Federal Courthouse Washington DC Address – Find Legal Location Here

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Discovering the Federal Courthouse Washington DC Address

As a law enthusiast, there`s something truly awe-inspiring about the grandeur of a federal courthouse. The imposing architecture, the weight of history, and the pursuit of justice all come together in one powerful symbol of the legal system. Today, we`re taking a closer look at the Federal Courthouse in Washington DC, including its address, history, and significance.


Located 333 Constitution NW, DC, E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse is a landmark in the nation`s capital. Address places heart city, making easily attorneys, litigants, visitors.

Brief History

E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse has a rich history dating back to its construction in the 1950s. Named E. Barrett Prettyman, a prominent Washington attorney, the courthouse has stood as a testament to the rule of law and the administration of justice for decades.


With its iconic columns and majestic presence, the Federal Courthouse in Washington DC is not only a functional judicial building but also a symbol of democracy and freedom. Countless landmark cases have been heard within its walls, shaping the legal landscape of the nation and setting important precedents.

Visiting Courthouse

Whether you`re a legal professional or simply a curious citizen, a visit to the Federal Courthouse in Washington DC can be a fascinating and educational experience. The building offers guided tours, allowing visitors to gain insight into the inner workings of the judicial system and the history of the courthouse itself.

Address Details

Address State Code
333 Constitution NW DC 20001

Final Thoughts

There`s no denying the allure of the Federal Courthouse in Washington DC. Its address, history, and significance all contribute to its status as a pillar of the legal community. Whether you`re a legal professional, a history buff, or simply an admirer of grand architecture, a visit to this iconic building is a must.


Frequently Asked Legal Questions: Federal Courthouse Washington DC Address

Question Answer
1. What is the address of the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? The address of the federal courthouse in Washington, DC is 333 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001. It`s a majestic building that exudes power and authority.
2. Can I visit the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? Absolutely! The federal courthouse in Washington, DC is open to the public. It`s impressive structure worth visiting, whether legal matters attend admire grandeur.
3. What are the operating hours of the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? The federal courthouse in Washington, DC is open from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. It`s a bustling hub of legal activity during these hours, with lawyers and litigants coming and going.
4. Is parking federal courthouse Washington, DC? Yes, parking federal courthouse Washington, DC. However, it can get quite busy, so it`s advisable to arrive early to secure a spot. Parking vicinity adds hustle bustle area.
5. How do I get to the federal courthouse in Washington, DC using public transportation? The federal courthouse in Washington, DC is easily accessible via public transportation. Are bus stops metro stations nearby, making convenient visitors reach courthouse hassle driving.
6. Are there any security measures in place at the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? Yes, there are stringent security measures in place at the federal courthouse in Washington, DC. Visitors are required to pass through metal detectors and have their belongings screened. It`s a testament to the importance of maintaining order and safety within the courthouse.
7. Can I bring electronic devices into the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? While electronic devices such as phones and laptops are allowed in the federal courthouse in Washington, DC, they may be subject to security screening. It`s a necessary precaution to ensure the smooth functioning of legal proceedings within the courthouse.
8. Are there any restrictions on attire at the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? Visitors to the federal courthouse in Washington, DC are expected to dress in a manner that reflects the solemnity and respectability of the legal setting. This may include refraining from wearing casual or revealing clothing.
9. Is photography allowed inside the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? Photography is generally prohibited inside the federal courthouse in Washington, DC, unless explicitly authorized. This is to safeguard the privacy and integrity of the legal proceedings taking place within the courthouse.
10. Can I obtain legal documents from the federal courthouse in Washington, DC? Yes, visitors can obtain legal documents from the federal courthouse in Washington, DC, provided they follow the necessary procedures and requirements. It`s a place where the law comes to life, with documents serving as the tangible evidence of legal matters.


Contract for Federal Courthouse Washington DC Address

This contract (the “Contract”) is entered into as of [Date] by and between [Party A] and [Party B] in connection with the address of the federal courthouse in Washington DC.

1. Definitions
1.1 “Federal Courthouse” shall refer to the [Official Name] located at [Address] in Washington DC.
1.2 “Parties” shall refer to [Party A] and [Party B] collectively.
2. Address Verification
2.1 Party A hereby verifies that the address of the Federal Courthouse in Washington DC is accurately stated as [Address].
2.2 Party B acknowledges the accuracy of the address and agrees to use the specified address for any legal proceedings, communications, and official documentation related to the Federal Courthouse.
3. Representations Warranties
3.1 Party A represents and warrants that the address provided for the Federal Courthouse is correct and current to the best of their knowledge.
3.2 Party B represents and warrants that they will use the address of the Federal Courthouse in Washington DC exclusively for legal and official purposes as required by law.
4. Governing Law
4.1 This Contract governed construed accordance laws District Columbia.